Step 6 - Send Completion Signal

    Suggestions will appear below the field as you type

    Step 6 - Send Completion Signal

      Suggestions will appear below the field as you type

      Step 6 - Send Completion Signal

      Step 6 - Send Completion Signal

      After the candidate has filled out the application form and submitted it, your software must send a Completion Signal to SEEK to indicate that the application process is complete. The Completion Signal requires a seekid token your software will have received during the Apply with SEEK flow.

      Handling multiple seekids

      A seekid is supplied on a query string to your software in two ways:
      1. When the candidate initiailly arrives at your site from SEEK (see Step 1. Display button)
      2. After the candidate has authorized access to their profile (see Step 2. Handle authorization)
      If your software has received both, it should retain only the second seekid received during the candidate authorizes access.
      Candidate Source
      Using Apply with SEEK
      seekid handling
      seekid returned during the Authorization flow step should be used for the Completion Signal
      As no authorization occurred, the original seekid received when the candidate arrived from SEEK should be used for the Completion Signal
      Other source
      seekid returned during the Authorization flow step should be used for the Completion Signal
      Other source
      No seekid will have been received by your software, do not submit a Completion Signal

      Sending the Completion Signal

      To send the Completion Signal, use the _unstable_sendApplicationSignal mutation, passing the seekid as the token value.
      mutation ($input: _unstable_sendApplicationSignalInput!) {
        _unstable_sendApplicationSignal(input: $input)