Updating a job ad

Job ads can be modified under their existing URL after they’ve been posted. While most fields can be freely updated, there are some restrictions:
  • Job ads cannot be moved between position openings or SEEK hirers.
  • Updates to positionTitle, jobCategories, positionLocation and postingInstructions.seekAdvertisementProductId may result in an additional charge for that job ad.
    See variable pricing  to learn more.
  • Providing a seekApplicationQuestionnaireId field to the updatePostedPositionProfile mutation will fail with a BAD_USER_INPUT error.
    See the questionnaire immutability documentation for more information.
  • We do not recommend changing the application method of a job ad while it is live on the SEEK platform.
    Attempting to switch a live job ad between SEEK’s Apply Form and an external apply form may result in unexpected behaviour and complicate applicant tracking. You may support closing and re-posting the job ad to SEEK with a different application method.
  • You cannot provide the same seekAdvertisementProductId  that was initially used to post a job ad.
    Display ad selection to the user in your update workflow. This will present a distinct set of update products along with associated pricing and payment information. Once an update product has been selected, its ID can be used to update the job ad:
      "input": {
        "positionProfile": {
          "profileId": "seekAnzPublicTest:positionProfile:jobAd:2782PZfXV",
          // ...
          "postingInstructions": {
            // Provide updated product ID if ad selection was displayed
            "seekAdvertisementProductId": "globalPublicTest:adProduct:seekApi:GxWYyP4HtLsXHEVMJFcPoRw1hs6WoAakfu13TRkq21vQ"
            // ...
    In certain scenarios, you may need to update a job ad without displaying ad selection to the hirer. You can retain the existing ad product by omitting the seekAdvertisementProductId  field entirely:
      "input": {
        "positionProfile": {
          "profileId": "seekAnzPublicTest:positionProfile:jobAd:2782PZfXV",
          // ...
          "postingInstructions": {
            // Omit `seekAdvertisementProductId` if ad selection was not displayed
            // ...



The updatePostedPositionProfile mutation  updates a live job ad. The PositionProfile ’s existing fields will be replaced with the provided input fields. You must provide the current values of any fields you don’t want to modify. An exception is made for UpdatePostingInstructionInput.end , where omitting the field will preserve the existing end date.
For example, you could run this mutation to update a job ad with a new title:
mutation ($input: UpdatePostedPositionProfileInput!) {
  updatePostedPositionProfile(input: $input) {
    positionProfile {
      profileId {
You will receive a FORBIDDEN error if you try to update a job ad that has already been closed.