relationship with each of your hirers to authorize this scenario.
You can view a list of your SEEK hirers and their relationships on the Developer Dashboard’s hirers page.Field | Value |
PositionProfilePosted | |
seekAnz | |
SeekHmacSha512 |
"events": [
"id": "seekAnzPublicTest:event:events:KNYEK91zoe8JoZU9iv6853",
"type": "PositionProfilePosted",
"createDateTime": "2019-08-20T21:02:24.611Z",
// This can be passed to the `positionProfile` query
"positionProfileId": "seekAnzPublicTest:positionProfile:jobAd:2782PZfXV",
// This is only available for signed webhook subscriptions
"hirerId": "seekAnzPublicTest:organization:seek:93WyyF1h"
"subscriptionId": "seekAnzPublicTest:webhookSubscription:events:Kyak8JfPKhHCAXM2s9b9wX",
"url": ""
from the prior step to the positionProfile
see querying a job ad for more details.Review the PostedPositionProfile
object and use the job ads posted with your test hirer to decide which fields you wish to retrieve.
This is an example query which additionally selects branding images associated with the job ad:query ($id: String!) {
positionProfile(id: $id) {
postingInstructions {
branding {
images {
Field | Value |
PositionProfileUpdated | |
seekAnz | |
SeekHmacSha512 |
event to your HTTPS endpoint whenever a live job ad is updated on SEEK.Our job ad lifecycle specifies a maximum period of 30 days for a job ad.
Once a job ad reaches its scheduled end date,
SEEK will automatically close it and queue up a webhook to be sent to your software.PositionProfileClosed
You can configure a webhook subscription through the Developer Dashboard’s webhooks page.
This will cover the scenario of a hirer or SEEK support member manually closing the job ad ahead of schedule.PositionProfileClosed
event can be found in closing a job ad.
Use this event to remove the job ad from the search index that serves your internal job portal.SEEK’s Apply Form allows the application process to be hosted on SEEK.PostedPositionProfile.positionUri
field.query ($id: String!) {
positionProfile(id: $id) {
... on PostedPositionProfile {
seekApplicationUri {