Welcome to our developer site, home of technical documentation for the SEEK Group . Approved providers can integrate their recruitment software with the SEEK API to access our employment marketplace across the Asia Pacific.
Visit the Partner Hub  for a high-level overview of our product suite and commercial partnerships.

New to the SEEK API?

Start at the top of our documentation and work your way through:
Our introductory content outlines the SEEK API and our integration process, then details each technology component in order:
From there, you can progress to build or manage your integration.

Managing your integration

Release cadence
Features are incrementally added to and deprecated from the SEEK API as we continuously evolve our products. It’s important to evaluate how these changes affect your integration with SEEK.
Subscribe to our release notes to stay informed of changes as they reach general availability and evolve your integration accordingly:
Recruitment software providers are expected to deliver the latest and most valuable experiences to our mutual hirers within a reasonable period from when they are made generally available.
SEEK will revise the baseline requirements for a marketplace integration on a scheduled basis, and supply a guide to plan and integrate changes that you have yet to include since the last revision:
You should also familiarise yourself with our suite of developer tools: