Phase 2: Job Posting

With the consolidation of the SEEK, Jobstreet and Jobsdb platforms, we have changed the way job ads are surfaced across our markets. Your job posting integration must be revised to ensure that it correctly interoperates with the SEEK API going forward.
Job ads posted via the SEEK API are syndicated across our candidate websites, including , ,  and . Each website defaults to a market-specific location filter but candidates are able to manually search for international job ads.
When your software retrieves the positionUri field  in response to a PositionProfilePosted event, it will receive a localised link to the live job ad. This is based on the hirer’s country as configured in SEEK; a hirer based in Singapore is assigned a  link, while a hirer based in Australia continues to be assigned a  link.

Step 1 - Understanding your scope

We have extended the following job posting features to satisfy regional requirements across the Asia Pacific. The revision is required even if you do not offer your recruitment software in these additional markets, as it includes changes to marketplace features that affect Australia & New Zealand hirers.
Ad Selection Revision
Job Ad Preview / Branding
Access to Asia features (Optional)

Step 2 - Start building

The checklist below outlines best practices for integrating each job posting feature:


If you have already built a supported implementation option in your software you may skip this step.
If your software maintains a static mapping from its internal location hierarchy to SEEK location IDs:
  • Review available options within our Location documentation
  • Implement API option most appropriate to your software
  • Remove static mapping

Job categories

This change ensures that hirers are only presented with relevant categories and that those categories are matched to the region the job is being posted in.
  • Call the jobCategories query dynamically for each job ad, passing the current state of the ad in the positionProfile field
  • Ensure that all categories / sub-categories returned are visible and sub-categories are selectable by the hirer


Ad selection

SEEK strongly recommends using the new Ad Selection Panel for your integration. It will significantly reduce development time and ongoing maintenance, as well as provide an up-to-date user experience for SEEK hirers.
Ad Selection now requires the use of seekAdvertisementProductId. Using the deprecated seekAnzAdvertisementType will result in failed Job Posting create and update calls following the December 2024 retirement date.
  • Review available options within our Ad Selection documentation
  • If migrating from the previous Ad Selection Panel:
    • Update script tag and render function with revised props
    • Call render function on page load and when changes to positionProfile input are made
    • Replace any hard coded logic for brand selection / bullet point inputs with conditional logic based on features returned in onChange
    • Replace references to seekAnzAdvertisementType with seekAdvertisementProductId field when previewing, posting or updating the job ad
  • If using GraphQL integration:
    • Review the user experience guide and ensure that your implementation will meet our new requirements
    • Rebuild calls to use the new advertisementProducts query
    • Call query on page load and whenever the positionProfile input changes
    • Adjust UI to handle a variable number of products (we recommend accommodating 4) or provide a limit param
    • Ensure your UI pre-selects the ad product marked with selected if one exists (typically returned when updating a job ad or when using selectedAdvertisementProductId for rehydrating a draft)
    • Remove any hardcoded logic based on specific names or identifiers
    • Replace references to seekAnzAdvertisementType with seekAdvertisementProductId field when previewing, posting or updating the job ad


  • Display selectable branding elements to hirer retrieved from Brandings query
  • Pass selected branding ID as part of positionProfile in preview, create and update calls
  • Ensure correct branding is displayed as selected during ad edit
  • Display branding selection based on ad product features


Note that the SEEK API does not allow Questionnaire’s to be modified once a job ad is posted. See the questionnaire immutability documentation for more information.
  • Review available options within our Questionnaire documentation
  • If you have previously implemented the SEEK Questionnaire Panel:
    • Update script tag and render function call
    • Remove any references to errorHandler
    • Update calls from to dispatchEvent('seek:questionnaire:save');
    • Update handling of errorCode / isError
  • If you’re implementing the SEEK Questionnaire Panel for the first time:
    • Add script tag to the page
    • Call render function on page load and when changes to positionProfile input are made
    • Handle browser token request
    • Call dispatchEvent('seek:questionnaire:save') prior to previewing, posting or saving a draft of the job ad
  • If you have an existing question library and are implementing our ATS Screening Questions functionality:
    • Implement the createApplicationQuestionnaire mutation
    • Post job ad with returned questionnaire ID

Job ad preview

If you have already built job ad preview then skip this step. However, you should review two other changes to the postedPositionProfilePreview query for Ad Selection and Questionnaire.
  • Display a button for hirers to click on to preview the job ad
  • Execute the postedPositionProfilePreview query to generate a job ad preview when the button is clicked
  • Ensure the full state of the ad is passed to the positionProfile argument
  • Open new tab or render iframe in the flow to the returned previewUri field

Access to Asia features

If you have customers in Asia or customers in ANZ wishing to post ads in Asia, you can enable job posting in our six Asia markets by supporting localised salaries and content.
  • Implement the Monthly pay interval
  • Display a shortlist of currencies for hirers to select
    • We recommend retrieving the shortlist of currencies from our currencies query to support further updates.
  • Pre-select the recommended currency based on job location
Content localisation
  • Send an appropriate Accept-Language header in GraphQL requests

Step 3 - Test your integration

Before you apply for SEEK Certification, thoroughly test your integration for the successful execution of the following:
  • Job ad previewed successfully
    • Display of location and ad product features
    • Display of questionnaire (if implemented)
  • Successful posting of a job ad
    • Location passed through successfully
    • Ad Product passed through successfully
    • Questionnaire posted successfully (if implemented)
    • Job ad posted for maximum period (30 days)
  • Successful updating of a job ad
    • Location passed through successfully
    • Correct Edit/Upgrade Ad Product passed through successfully
  • Successful closing of a job ad
    • Job ad closed on-demand prior to 30 days

Step 4 - Certification

To ensure the features are built correctly, we’ve created four certification groups listed in the downloadable Excel workbook below. It includes all the test cases necessary for certification:
  • Group 1: Ad Selection Revision
  • Group 2: Job Ad Preview and Brand Selection
  • Group 3: Access to Asia markets (if implemented)
  • Group 4: Managing a Job Ad

Applying for certification

  1. Ensure completion of all relevant test cases for the features you have implemented
  2. Record 4 videos to showcase and talk us through the test cases for each certification group
  3. Submit these videos with your certification request to the Integration Service Desk 
Please note:
  • Certification will only be given by SEEK if we receive complete coverage of the test cases in your video submissions
  • SEEK will notify you if it identifies any issues with your integration
  • All issues must be resolved in order to obtain successful certification and prior to live deployment
  • For further review after making corrections, resubmit a new video to the Integration Service Desk 
Certification request
When submitting your certification request, include:
  • Your anticipated integration release date
  • The date you began recording the test case videos
  • Links to the test case videos
  • URL for the test job ad posted to (this will appear as expired after completion of the test cases)
  • URL for the test job ad posted to (this will appear as expired after completion of the test cases)
Video Requirements
  • Each video should not exceed 10 minutes
  • The video file must be downloadable
  • The video file format should be mp4 video format
  • The file name must follow this format: Partner Name_JP_CertGroup.mp4

Step 5 - Release

Upon receiving your certification submission, SEEK will provide you with instructions to prepare for your integration release.