Querying a job ad



The positionProfile query returns the current state of a job ad. In addition to the fields you provided during posting, it returns the URL of a live job ad and the end date of the posting.Posting job ads to the SEEK job board is an asynchronous process. Until the job ad has gone live the positionProfile query will return null. The PositionProfilePosted event can be used to trigger a query of the position profile once it’s available, and the PositionProfileUpdated event can be used for trigger behaviour on subsequent updates to it.You can determine if a job ad is closed based on its postingInstructions.end field. If the posting end date is in the past then the job ad was closed on the specified date. The PositionProfileClosed event is emitted when a job ad has been closed.The PositionProfile object will remain for 180 days past its close date, after which the positionProfile query will return null. Your software must store any data it needs to access after the 180 day period.
query ($id: String!) {
  positionProfile(id: $id) {
    profileId {
    postingInstructions {