ATS Screening Questions

This implementation option is recommended if your software already has a mechanism for creating and managing custom questions. The createApplicationQuestionnaire mutation  lets you create questionnaires in the structure expected by the SEEK API and returns an ID that can be specified when posting a job ad.


The createApplicationQuestionnaire mutation  creates a new questionnaire.The SEEK API provides 3 question types for custom questions:
  • FreeText presents the candidate with a free text input labelled with the question’s questionHtml. They must input at least one character before submitting their application.
  • SingleSelect presents the candidate with a set of mutually exclusive choices. They must select a single choice before submitting their application.SEEK renders these questions either as radio buttons or a dropdown list, depending on the number of choices.
  • MultiSelect presents the candidate with a set of non-exclusive choices. They must select at least one choice before submitting their application.SEEK renders these questions as a list of checkboxes.
If you manage individual questionnaire components in your software, supply a unique reference value for each ApplicationQuestionnaireComponent  during questionnaire creation. You can then retrieve responses.*.component.value from the submission to correlate each response back to its corresponding component.If you manage questionnaires as a holistic collection in your software, retrieve to correlate the submission back to the questionnaire ID.
mutation ($input: CreateApplicationQuestionnaireInput!) {
  createApplicationQuestionnaire(input: $input) {
    applicationQuestionnaire {
      id {
The ApplicationQuestionnaire  object is immutable. If your software supports mutable questionnaires, you may snapshot its latest state by creating a new ApplicationQuestionnaire  at the time of posting.For detailed information on all available fields, refer to the CreateApplicationQuestionnaireInput  schema definition.You can use our interactive builder to explore the ApplicationQuestionnaire  components supported by the SEEK API.
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