Job categories

The jobCategories query  returns a superset of job categories supported across SEEK’s markets by default. However, presenting this entire hierarchy for selection is suboptimal:
  1. The hirer may see and be confused by overlapping categories.
    While our hierarchy aims to be mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive  where possible, this principle cannot hold at a global level when we account for regional differences such as governmental structures. For example, Australia has a Government - Local entry and New Zealand has a distinct Local Government entry.
  2. The performance of the job ad will suffer if the selected job category is not relevant to the region, as it will be less likely to appear in recommendations and search results.
This issue will be exacerbated as we continue to evolve our ontologies for regional needs across the Asia Pacific. To ensure that hirers are only presented with relevant categories, provide the positionProfile  context when retrieving job categories:
query (
  $positionProfile: JobCategories_PositionProfileInput!
  $schemeId: String!
) {
    # Request results to be tailored to the position’s location.
    positionProfile: $positionProfile
    schemeId: $schemeId
  ) {
    id {
    children {
      id {