SEEK may reach out to them if there is a problem with their job ad after it’s gone live.
Their name & contact details will not be shown on the job ad or exposed to candidates.
The following messaging may be presented to the user to explain SEEK’s usage of contact information:personContacts
This can be useful if the person recruiting for the position is different from the position’s hiring manager.
The contact’s role is used to differentiate those two cases.At a minimum the person’s name, email & role must be provided.
You can automatically map or pre-fill these fields based on the user logged in to your software.
Note that physical addresses and phone numbers may be omitted,
and seekDoNotContactIndicator
should be omitted as it is not supported for contact people.// `positionOpening.postingRequester.personContacts[]`
"name": {
"formattedName": "Mary Manager"
"communication": {
"email": [{ "address": "" }],
// This can be set to an empty array.
"phone": [],
// This can be omitted or set to an empty array.
"address": [],
// This should be omitted or set to null.
"seekDoNotContactIndicator": null
"roleCode": "HiringManager"