Completion Signal

    Suggestions will appear below the field as you type

    Completion Signal

      Suggestions will appear below the field as you type

      Completion Signal

      Completion Signal

      The Completion Signal is a message sent to SEEK to notify that an application has been completed within your recruitment software. When a candidate chooses to apply to a link-out job advertised on SEEK, they will be redirected to your application form along with a unique token. This token should be passed back to the SEEK API once the candidate successfully submits their application.
      Please note, the Completion Signal is only required if you are posting job ads that link out to an application form hosted by your recruitment software.

      Receiving the token

      You will receive the token in a seekid parameter appended to the query string of the posted applicationUri :
      The token is unique to that specific candidate, job ad and session, and should be stored only for the duration of the application process.

      Sending the Completion Signal

      When the application is completed, the token can be passed back via the sendApplicationSignal mutation.
      mutation ($input: _unstable_sendApplicationSignalInput!) {
        _unstable_sendApplicationSignal(input: $input)