Custom Questionnaire Panel with GraphQL

    Suggestions will appear below the field as you type

    Custom Questionnaire Panel with GraphQL

      Suggestions will appear below the field as you type

      Custom Questionnaire Panel with GraphQL

      Custom Questionnaire Panel with GraphQL

      The SEEK Questionnaire Panel is built on operations available through our GraphQL endpoint. You can programmatically retrieve recommended questions, define custom questions and privacy policies, and create questionnaires. This allows you to build your own custom user interface for questionnaires.

      Before you begin

      • Evaluate whether you can embed the SEEK-built Questionnaire Panel, which is a simpler alternative to creating your own implementation.
      • SEEK recommends using a browser token to manage questionnaires directly from a hirer’s browser. For the browser token to work, you will need to include the mutate:application-questionnaires query:application-library-question-suggestions query:application-questionnaires scope in your request.
      • You can also manage questionnaires from your backend using a partner token.
      The applicationLibraryQuestionSuggestions  query returns a list of suggested SEEK library questions based on a partial PositionProfile . This can be used to interactively suggest application questions to a hirer while they’re posting a job ad.
      You should invoke the query whenever a hirer updates one of these fields:
      While only the position’s title, category and location are required, providing position descriptions  will increase suggestion relevance.
      query (
        $positionProfile: ApplicationLibraryQuestionSuggestions_PositionProfileInput!
        $schemeId: String!
        $first: Int
      ) {
          schemeId: $schemeId
          positionProfile: $positionProfile
          first: $first
        ) {
          id {
          applicationLibraryQuestion {
            id {
            preferenceSelection {
            responseChoice {
              id {
      Each suggested applicationLibraryQuestion  contains the details of a question from SEEK’s library. A hirer may select up to 8 suggested questions for inclusion in their questionnaire.
      You should present the hirer with an appropriate input control to record their preferred response choices to each selected question, which drives scoring of questionnaire submissions. The preferenceSelection  field describes how you should present the response choice selection.
      • The available typeCode s and corresponding sample implementations are listed below.
      • The message  is a description that should be displayed to the hirer to prompt their preference selection.
      The following samples provide a visual representation of how you should present the hirer view for each scenario. The accompanying candidate view approximates how SEEK will present the question on our application form per the responseTypeCode ; it exists for illustrative purposes only and does not need to be shown within your software.

      Single choice

      SingleChoice indicates that the hirer can select a single preferred response choice. A radio group or dropdown should be used.
      For a question with a SingleSelect candidate response:

      Hirer view

      Do you have customer service experience?
      I will only accept this answer

      Candidate view

      Do you have customer service experience?

      Multi choice

      MultiChoice indicates that the hirer can select multiple preferred response choices. A checkbox group should be used.
      For a question with a SingleSelect candidate response:

      Hirer view

      Which of the following statements best describes your right to work in Australia?
      I will accept any of these answers

      Candidate view

      For a question with a MultiSelect candidate response:

      Hirer view

      Which of the following Microsoft Office products are you experienced with?
      I will only accept this combination of answers

      Candidate view

      Which of the following Microsoft Office products are you experienced with?


      Range indicates that the hirer can select two response choices representing the minimum and maximum preferred choices. A set of two dropdowns should be used.
      For a question with a SingleSelect candidate response:

      Hirer view

      What is your expected annual base salary?
      I will accept between this range

      Candidate view

      The minimum dropdown should implement the following rules:
      1. The last option should be disabled
      The maximum dropdown should implement the following rules:
      1. The first option should be disabled
      2. The selected minimum and preceding options should be disabled
      3. The selection should be reset if the minimum is greater than or equal to it

      Custom questions

      If a hirer is unable to find a relevant question from SEEK’s library, they may wish to provide their own question. A hirer may create up to 3 custom questions for inclusion in their questionnaire.
      We recommend supporting the same question types as the SEEK-built Questionnaire Panel:
      1. Free text
      2. Yes/no
      3. Single select
      4. Multi select
      However, you may choose to omit complex selection types if there is limited demand from your hirers.
      This is a
      free text
      The candidate can write a free text response
          "componentTypeCode": "Question",
          "question": {
            "componentTypeCode": "Question",
            "questionHtml": "",
            "responseTypeCode": "FreeText"
      The above sample generates the corresponding ApplicationQuestionnaireComponentInput  to supply to questionnaire creation.

      Privacy policy

      If your software stores a link to the hirer’s privacy policy, you can present a checkbox that requires candidates to accept the privacy policy as part of the application form. The description and URL of the privacy policy should be populated by your backend, as the hirer shouldn’t need to tailor these details per job ad.
      The above sample generates the corresponding ApplicationQuestionnaireComponentInput  to supply to questionnaire creation.

      Questionnaire creation

      The createApplicationQuestionnaire  mutation creates a new questionnaire. You can include SEEK library questions from the applicationLibraryQuestionSuggestions  query, custom questions, and a privacy consent component.
      If a library question was suggested via the applicationLibraryQuestionSuggestions  query, you should supply its  as input to the createApplicationQuestionnaire  mutation.
      mutation ($input: CreateApplicationQuestionnaireInput!) {
        createApplicationQuestionnaire(input: $input) {
          applicationQuestionnaire {
            id {

      For custom questions and privacy policies

      mutation ($input: CreateApplicationQuestionnaireInput!) {
        createApplicationQuestionnaire(input: $input) {
          applicationQuestionnaire {
            id {

      Questionnaire retrieval

      The applicationQuestionnaire query  retrieves a previously created questionnaire by its identifier.
      query ($id: String!) {
        applicationQuestionnaire(id: $id) {
          id {
          components {
            id {
            ... on ApplicationQuestion {
              responseChoice {
            ... on ApplicationPrivacyConsent {
              privacyPolicyUrl {