Input object

A formatted description of the position profile.


The HTML content of the description.The maximum length differs by descriptionId:
  • AdvertisementDetails has a maximum length of 15,000 characters.
  • SearchBulletPoint has a maximum length of 80 characters per bullet point.
  • SearchSummary has a maximum length of 150 characters.
Scheme requirements:
  • The seekAnz scheme supports the following HTML tags in AdvertisementDetails:
    • a (HTTPS only. Available on a per hirer basis. Hirer must contact SEEK to enable.)
    • b
    • br
    • div
    • em
    • h2
    • li
    • ol
    • p
    • strong
    • ul
    Other descriptions will have all HTML tags stripped.
The description type.Currently, three identifiers are defined:
  • AdvertisementDetails is the detailed description of the position that appears on the job ad.
  • SearchBulletPoint is a highlight or selling point of the position that appears in search results. The number of bullet points that a job can provide is based on the AdvertisementProductFeatures's searchBulletPoints.limit. The length limit applies to each search bullet point separately.
  • SearchSummary is a short description that appears in search results.
Scheme requirements:
  • The seekAnz scheme requires AdvertisementDetails and SearchSummary to be included.

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Input Object
positionFormattedDescriptions field
Input Object
positionFormattedDescriptions field
Input Object
positionFormattedDescriptions field
Input Object
positionFormattedDescriptions field
Input Object
positionFormattedDescriptions field
Input Object
positionFormattedDescriptions field
Input Object
positionFormattedDescriptions field
Input Object
positionFormattedDescriptions field