Name | Description |
DateTime! | When the candidate profile was first created in the partner system.Expects a RFC 3339 compliant date time.
Millisecond precision is optional, and set to 0 if not provided. |
[PositionPreferenceInput!]! | The candidate's preferences in an ideal position. ProactiveSourcing candidates may have 0–1 position preferences. |
[CandidateProcessActionInput!]! | Any associated actions that can be performed on the candidate profile.Only one of each type of action is permitted for the candidate profile.
Currently, only a ViewProfile action type is defined to provide a URL to view the candidate's profile. |
[CandidateProcessHistoryItemInput!]! | The workflow process history of the candidate.A maximum of 20 process history items may be provided on initial upload. |
DateTime! | When the candidate profile was last updated in the partner system.Expects a RFC 3339 compliant date time.
Millisecond precision is optional, and set to 0 if not provided. |
Parent name | Parent type | Description |
UploadCandidateInput | Input Object | candidateProfile field |