Name | Description |
PositionProfile | A profile of a position opening.This contains information of how a position opening is presented on a job board or as an internal requisition. |
Name | Description |
[JobCategory!]! | The occupational categories of the job. |
RemunerationPackage! | The salary or compensation offered for the position. |
[PositionFormattedDescription!]! | An array of formatted position profile descriptions. |
[Location!]! | The locations of the position. |
PositionOpening! | The PositionOpening that this profile was created under. |
[HiringOrganization!]! | An array of identifiers for the HiringOrganization s that have the position. |
String! | A short phrase describing the position as it would be listed on a business card or in a company directory. |
String! | The object identifier for the PositionProfile .This is duplicated from the profileId field to satisfy the PositionProfile interface. |
[PostingInstruction!]! | The instructions related to posting the job ad. |
ObjectIdentifier! | The identifier for the PositionProfile . |
Boolean! | Whether the position profile was created by the requesting partner.If your software cannot ingest objects that are created by another source,
this can be used to filter out such position profiles. |
String! | The type of position profile, i.e. UnpostedPositionProfile . |
[String!] | An array of codes for the offered schedules for the position.Currently, two codes are defined:
null . |
String | A human-readable name given to the profile.This in addition to the positionTitle can help identify the profile to an end user. |
String | A work type code for the seekAnz scheme.Currently, four codes are defined:
null . |
ApplicationQuestionnaire | The set of questions presented to candidates during an application.The questionnaire responses will be available as CandidateProfile.seekQuestionnaireSubmission on the candidate's application profile. |
String | An optional free-text billing reference.SEEK does not use this field on unposted position profiles. |
String | An optional hirer-provided free-text job reference. |
String | An optional field for storing additional data with a PositionProfile .The metadata is not used by SEEK and won't be seen by hirers or candidates.This field has a maximum length of 1,000 characters. |
SeekVideo | The video to render within the job ad. |
Parent name | Parent type | Description |
CreateUnpostedPositionProfileForOpeningPayload | Object | positionProfile field |
DeleteUnpostedPositionProfilePayload | Object | positionProfile field |
UpdateUnpostedPositionProfilePayload | Object | positionProfile field |