Input object

The candidate process history to create.


The executed action that constitutes this history item.This action may or may not trigger a change in the status of the underlying process. For example, an action may be to add a note against a candidate's profile, which has no material effect on the stage through the application process.
The date & time the action was executed.
An identifier to ensure that multiple candidate process history items are not created on retries.The identifier must be unique within the given candidate profile. The same identifier must be provided when retrying after create failures.
The parties that executed the action.
The position profile that the history item relates to.This is null for interactions that are not specific to an individual position, such as a general interview with a recruiter.
The underlying source for the item.For example, items related to an application process would note the job board or other channel that sourced the application.This is required if positionProfile is specified.
The current status of the underlying process.For example, a candidate in an application process may progress through a series of statuses like applied, interviewed, offered, hired.

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Parent name
Parent type
Input Object
candidateProcessHistoryItem field