Name | Description |
AdvertisementProductFeatures! | Additional information that is accepted when posting a job ad to configure the features of this advertisement product. |
The identifier of this advertisement product.Identifiers may become stale, and should not be stored for long periods.It would be appropriate to save an identifier for use in a job ad draft, but not for use as a job ad template. | |
String! | The name of the advertisement product for displaying to the user.This is typically a single word that differentiates the product from other options. |
Boolean! | Whether this advertisement product should be preselected or not.This field generally indicates the advertisement product that is set in the current state of an existing PositionProfile . |
[AdvertisementProductSellingPoint!]! | An array of short phrases that tell the user what value this advertisement product provides. |
String | A short phrase intended for display to a user that describes the advertisement product. |
Information about how payment will be made for this advertisement product. | |
Information about how much this advertisement product costs. |
Parent name | Parent type | Description |
AdvertisementProducts | Object | products field |